Upcoming Events

March 2014

March 4 – A Jewish Child in Occupied Antwerp – Christine De Brabandere

Our lecture in March will be the story of an incredible lady. Regina Sluszny was born into an orthodox Jewish family in Antwerp before the second world war. Under the German occupation, her parents were deported, but she was rescued by a non-Jewish family. After the war she was reunited with her parents.

It is this story that Regina will tell. With this testimony, she wants to honour the people who kept her from the concentration camps 70 years ago, and to speak about the other children who were saved, very often by anonymous people.

Regina is also president of the organisation Het Ondergedoken Kind (The Children in Hiding).

March 4 after meeting lunch – Theater Hotel

After the talk, there will be a lunch at the Theater Hotel for those who wish to stay. If you would like to have lunch, please make sure to reserve in advance, and to transfer the cost (€18) to the ABIW account.

Venue: Theater Hotel, Arenbergstraat, Antwerp.
Time: 10 am for coffee; meeting starts at 10.30.
To register for the lunch: contact Jeannine Branckaert (03 295 47 50 or 0475 86 73 72 or jeannine.branckaert@telenet.be) before Wednesday 26 February, indicating your choice of main course. Then transfer €18 to the ABIW account.

March 24 – Sewing Group

Just for fun and to meet each other. You need to bring your own knitting, embroidery or sewing, if you would like to learn to quilt, I can help you.
This is the change to finish the project which has been in the cupboard for so long!

Catharina Berkhout
Venue: Sudermanstraat 6, Antwerp
March 24th, from 2-4pm.

Tuesday, March 25 – Coffee Morning 11am

No need to register—just turn up. Non-members are also welcome.
Venue: Hof Van Eden, Groenplaats 11, Antwerp.

Wednesday, March 26 – Book Discussion

The next meeting of the Book Discussion Group will be held on Wednesday, March 26 in the Theater Hotel, Arenbergstraat, Antwerp at 10 am.

Thursday, March 27 – Visit to the Vlaamse Opera starting at 1 pm.

vlaamseoperaThis is a unique opportunity to make a guided visit to the beautiful neo-baroque Flemish Opera House in Antwerp. The opera house was built in 1904-1907 as the Flemish version and counterweight to the French Théâtre Royale in Antwerp.
The opera house was very modern for its time. Coloured electric light was used to illuminate the stage and the building had central heating. It was also very progressive, with its use of a single, large foyer that was used by all visitors, rich or not. It has a beautiful interior and the foyer has large columns in pink marble. Originally the auditorium could seat 1500 spectators, but this was later reduced to 1081. It is adorned with beautiful stucco and a ceiling painting by an Antwerp artist. In 2004 the opera house was in a deplorable state and its existence was threatened, but a 3-year renovation brought it back to its former splendour.

Meet: at the main entrance of the Opera House, Frankrijklei 3, Antwerp.
Time: 12.45 hrs (the tour will start at 13.00 hrs)

Cost for the guide: €8 for members, €10 for guests. No extra entrance fee.
To register: contact Jeannine Branckaert (jeannine.branckaert@telenet.be, 03 295 4750 or 0475 867372). Then transfer the appropriate amount into the ABIW account (see p.1), marking your transfer “Opera visit for your name”.

Twice monthly – Friday mornings – Dutch Conversation Group

Our little group meets twice a month in a member’s home where we converse in Dutch for two hours with varying degrees of proficiency. There is a tea/coffee break. A pleasant morning is spent chatting in congenial company.

For more information contact us.


April 2014

Tuesday, April 1 – Food – so Basic and yet so Complex

Eating and drinking are an important part of our lives. Many of our holidays and traditions include food. However, what people eat and drink differs significantly from country to country. We all have our own comfort foods, we don’t all see delicacies the same way and good manners are far from universal. Food can be a fun and interesting way to examine cultural variations.

Elizabeth Vennekens-Kelly is an intercultural trainer, advisor and author. She combines her business experience, familiarity with expat living and intercultural knowledge to help individuals in multicultural settings and those relocating overseas to effectively interact in the varied situations. She wants people to enjoy and appreciate cultural differences. In April, she will guide us through a workshop on the significance of food.

Venue: Theater Hotel, Arenbergstaat, Antwerp.
Time: 10 am for coffee; meeting starts at 10.30.

Friday, April 25 – Guided Walk around Antwerp

Guided Walk around Antwerp starting at 10 am.

Here is some advance notice of a walk we are planning for April. We will meet on the Grote Markt, outside the tourist office at 10 am. Our guide will explain some features of the market place. We will then walk to the Vleeshuis quickly peep in. Then along to the Steen, back to the Suikerrui, ruihuis, Oude Koorn markt, Vlaaikensgang,  Pelgrimstraat, the Groote Witte Arend, with its 15th century wall paintings … and much more.

The cost of €5 will include a coffee break mid-walk. Husbands/partners/friends are welcome.

Full sign-up details will be published in the April Grapevine, but book the date now to be sure not to miss this fascinating tour.


May 2014

Saturday, May 24

Walk in Hazewinkel and visit to Micro Brewery Den Triest followed by lunch.

September 2014

Friday, September 12

Guided visit to the Jain Temple in Antwerp starting at 11 am